Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter candy+me-consequence= <3

I'm going to act my sex for a moment, if I may.

I'm out of shape.

Not terribly out of shape, I've found that taking a six week hiatus from the gym (a result of my new work schedule, NOT my boyfriend, as several people have suggested.), my workout stamina hasn't diminished at all. Sure, I'm not as flexible as I was two months ago, but I found that I could hop back on the treadmill or lift the same weights and not get winded, and after restarting my working out full time last week, I found that not only did I feel awesome, it was like I never stopped. And that is the true measurement of how healthy a person may or may not be.

But, I know I've gained a few pounds back (like, all of them), and it's kind of frustrating knowing that had I stayed on track with my work0ut, I would be able to be looking at swimsuits now instead of saying that I'm going to wait another month because I'm totally going to kick my ass into gear and lose a few pounds.

I've taken great pleasure in the last week of watching bitchy gossip sites rip Carnie Wilson apart because she's back up to 200 pounds of after losing gobs of weight after gastric bypass a few years ago, whoring herself out to every possible media outlet and showing her loose skin off in Playboy. I spent two years in Rutgers doing project after project analyzing the public's appetite for famous and semi-famous and not even semi-famous people, and even if you think that you are above it because you recognize the patterns, I'm telling you that there is still a bit part of your brain that just wants to watch people on TV fucking fail at life and be fat like the rest of us.
So that's where my brain has been yesterday and today.

On a lighter note, I've had a lot of energy building up because of the warm weather, and I just want to go outside and run around and play tennis or go swimming. I'm thinking about entering a contest at Work Out World where you work several times a week with a trainer for six weeks, and the person who loses the most weight wins free dues for life. I get bored very easily with working out, and I've never tried working with a trainer before, so it might be something new and fun to try. Maybe.

Today is the last day before Comcast takes the Cartoon Network away from me and makes it available only through digital cable. I am really upset by this and will miss late night cartoons very, very much. This might actually be enough to make me look into getting a digital connection so I can watch Metalocalypse again. I remember when Cartoon Network was first launched, and it was only available through deluxe cable packages.

Lastly, this made me giggle today. A lot. To the point where I was almost late for work. Leah was grossed out by the plug in tongue, while I laughed audibly at the "Stuffoscope".

Thursday, March 20, 2008

There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. None of them were walking and-

Vacation goes so fast. It's kind of unfair.

Today was my favorite kind of day off, and was spent doing menial errands that I don't have time for during the week, going to the gym and watching an America's Next Top Model marathon. Today was also free ice day at Rita's, which I am so glad I partook in. I got the birthday cake flavor, which tasted like the icing on cheap sheet cake. mmmm.

Yesterday we went into NYC and saw the butterfly room at the Natural History Museum, which was so neat and fun. Its kind of like a sealed pod that you go into, and its very warm and brightly lit and filled with plants and flowers and moss and a few hundred butterflies are everywhere, flying up to your face, landing on your shirt, standing on the ceiling, just everywhere. Some of them were the size of small birds, so big you could see their tongues curled under, and some were so teeny tiny I was afraid that they were going to fly into my mouth if I got too close. It was a really neat experience, and I took a lot of pictures on my phone, which I'm trying to figure out how to send to the computer so I can post them.

We also dicked around the rest of the museum, looking at the wall of different animal kingdoms and stuff on the third floor and I must've said "Gross" at least 10 times while Lewis explained the different types of invertebrates and worms and fungi to me. Then we went to Carnegie Deli and partook in salted meats and chicken fat and I was as happy as could be. If I could have changed anything though, it would not have been raining; we did a lot of walking and NYC in the rain sucks, no matter how you slice it.

On a more serious note, probably my best story to date was published this week, pertaining to a group of CBA students going to Asbury Park for a community outreach program. It was a cool assignment and I'm pleased with how it turned out. Check it out.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I am officially on vacation, and it is lovely. I laid around with my old man all day, catching up on sleep, ordering takeout and watching all of season one of the Venture Brothers, which I've never watched before this week and got sucked right into.

We went to NYC yesterday with his family and toured the uptown area before going allllll the way downtown and riding the Staten Island ferry, which I've never done before and probably wouldn't ever have, if it wasn't on the itinerary.
I was super exhausted from my weird work schedule from the days before plus the tired-ness of walking around NYC all day, so needless to say, the sole purpose of today was to nap.

This evening, I got to finish watching "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters", which is a documentary about mega-nerds going against each other to see who can get the highest score in arcade Donkey Kong. There were multiple parts that made me doubt whether or not it was a real documentary, but it is legit, and it's mildly entertaining, if you are a classic game enthusiast. It was really cool to see guys break a million points and have the screen reset itself, and to see the kill screens (in old arcade games, there was no end screen because the games didn't have enough memory. Once you started playing the last board, you just died. It's actually a more entertaining end than the end of a lot of old Nintendo games.)

So, to recap, I am out of work until the 24th. Give me a call if you want to go on any zany adventures.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One day before vacation

I'm finding that store brand cookies are just as delicious as name brand ones, sometimes even more so, AND you get waaaaay more in a pack. Needless to say, I am thoroughly enjoying my brand x chocolate sandwich cremes that I bought to snack on at work, because baby is on a budget for a while after investing in that car.

On a completely unrelated topic, this story was posted on Comcast today and it's one of the few news stories that I've even found hard to believe because it's so weird. OH, and the girl who is at the middle of the Spitzer scandal is from Belmar! She went to Wall H.S...who is surprised by this? Not me, not really. (This is my newfound reporter humor, the editors always place bets when a national news story breaks that someone involved in a negative way is from Monmouth or Ocean County. And you know what? They're usually right.)

By the way, if you are in the Monmouth County area, check your weekly reporter that is mailed to you, two of my stories were front page this week. Check them out, or my dog will eat you.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's not the men in my life, it's the life in my men

I decided to switch my Lj over to a better looking page. Also, posting photos on LJ is annoying and diffucult and I havent posted photos of anything going on in my life in like three years. It's kind of weird, and I've decided to put an end to it because people my age are supposed to fill web pages with photos taken of themselves at weird angles, their kittens, their infected tattoos, what they had for dinner, ect.

Above, you see my brand new baby, a 2008 Honda Civix LX Coupe. It had only six miles on it when I got it. I've never had a virgin before, and it's awesome. Both my other cars were over ten years old when I got them and I drove them into the ground. I finally decided to pull the trigger on my Honda Accord when both speakers blew out. My car is sexier than yours and you know it. I'm super stoked I'm finally to a point where I can say that.