Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm back

I think that it's kind of strange how pretty much all of my friends with blogs have abandoned them, even the ones who used to post often. Well, except for Andy, and Graber. They post pretty often, occasionally about the same stuff.

I think I might be motivated to post more frequently if I used Twitter. But I refuse to Twitter, because there is plenty of nonsensical, uninteresting crap floating around the net already. My contributions are not needed.

The summer is officially over, and it was never more evident than the day after Labor Day, when I spent the day in LBI. It was windy and cold and damn near abandoned. Literally. Half the restaurants were closed and shops were shuttering up. The tourists have left. I hate crowds, but I had hoped for sun and a bit more life to be had. The summer definitely passed me by this year. I think it's because I let work get to me too much.

For the fall, I hope to spend more time outside, particularly in Monmouth County, where all the farms are beautiful and filled with changing leaves and pumpkins and they give hay rides. October is my favorite month, I think, and not just because of Halloween. Well, Halloween is a big part of it - I still don't know what to dress up as this year.

Marla Singer? Joan Holloway? A giant banana?

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