Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pata Pata Pata Pon

I hate Yahoo. Seriously.

I had to create a Yahoo account to join a league's group, and from the beginning, its given me nothing but trouble.

First, it never let me open attachments. Ever. It would say I had an attachment, but didn't display the little paper clip we've all come to recognize and love. Since the league didn't work out for me, I went to leave the group and it wouldn't let me. Not even that, it just doesn't offer a little tab that says "Leave This Group''. Nothing. It took me 1o minutes and multiple page loads to eventually find that option. Even when I entered it into the help search bar, it brought me to a page telling how how to sign up for a username, when I was ALREADY LOGGED IN WITH MY CURRENT ONE DAMMIT.

Yahoo and Aol are so outdated and work horrifically and I don't know why anyone still uses them. Google is totally the "machine", but it always works and never gives me trouble, and for that, I am a believer. My blood boils at the sight of the Yahoo home page.

In other news, I am patiently waiting for my stimulus check to arrive. My shortsighted generation has been buzzing about what to do with the shot of cash. I originally thought of spending it on another tattooing project, but now I'm thinking of looking for a new computer, since my laptop is about seven years old and showing its' age. I just don't want to have to spend it on lame, real world needs, like a car payment or a rent check. Money like that is begging to be spent on irresponsible things.

Credit must go to Andy for hooking me on lolcats and loldogs, even though I publicly announce my hatred for both cats and lolspeak on a daily basis. Lolspeak is yet another example of both the dumbing down of our culture, and the unoriginality of the general public's sense of humor. But dammit, it doesn't stop me from looking at pictures of little grammatically incorrect dogs almost every day. EL. OH. EL.

P.S.-I don't have the proper platform for it, but this website lets you play demos of "Patapon" on it, a weird PSP game where you command a little army of eyeball guys by following a drum rhythm with your controller buttons. It's really neat. I read an article about this game in what I think was the Times, and I've been curious about it since. It's a good time killer, if needed.

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